Sunday, June 30, 2019

Fact about Spitfires

The life cycle of the bees


Thursday, June 27, 2019

which one will you choose

 There are 2 doors which one will you choose?                                                     

Meet Vanessa

I was writing all about me. It shows my timeline and pepeha and my goal for this year and other things about me.                                              


I was working on Hawaii as my adopted country and some staff about it like the capital and population of Hawaii and all those things about it.  I am talking about volcanos in Hawaii as well.                                           

How to make purple bead slime.


My visual blog profile

This is some work that I have created when I have been learning about private and personal information. Private means keep it to your self like your full name and your phone number and your home address. Personel means you can choose to share it to the world